Pets Take Center Stage When Its Time to Vote

Its a growing social media trend: pix of pets at polling stations.
As a population, we’ve become uber-diligent about tracking everything from the steps we take to the stats of our favorite sports teams and especially our fave social media celebs - including what they wore to which event.
So, no surprise that pet lovers the world over, have also started to track something else that while a bit odd, is happening rather frequently these days. They’ve started tracking and posting pictures of the various pets that the voting public brings with them to polling stations. How random is that?
I mean, with recent elections in the UK and France followed by the soon-to-be vote that will be taking place in the United States (and likely Canada), it’s easy to understand why the term “vote” is tracking seriously northward in all social media circles. But its hashtags such as dogsatpollingstations that’s grabbing the attention of animal lovers worldwide. Mainly, because it detours away from all that political rhetoric and it zeroes in on what’s really important. Like a dog wearing sunglasses, a hat, a bow tie or neckerchief, and posing conspicuously in front of a Polling Station sign.
Of course, this mini-phenomenon first started in the UK during their general election back in 2015. Because it happened in December, the dogs were waiting patiently for their person dressed in seasonal gear including Santa-themed hats and jackets. The media quickly spotted a fun photo op and the images were posted, followed soon after by a hashtag that linked pet parents with a social media opportunity to share their own poll pix in the elections that followed.
As is always the case, it didn’t take long for owners of all and sundry pets to jump onto the proverbial bandwagon. Yes, it’s no longer just dogs the voting public is showing up with when it’s time to vote for their preferred candidate. Social media sites have found they're also gaining a fan base with everything from snakes, cats, ferrets, geese, and even goats and horses tagging along to see what all the fuss is about.
Now, while the pet in question is required to sit tight outside while their person casts their ballot indoors, it’s this waiting game that generates the fun images. And yes, on election night, pet lovers will be glued to their socials including X, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok to track the pix of these patient pets. It’s akin to settling in to watch celebs strolling the red carpet on Oscar night. You just never know who you’ll see or what they’ll be wearing!

Sharing space with three seriously judgy Schnoodles and a feline who prefers to be left alone. #LivingMyBestLife
More by Mary Simpson