Ce n'est pas possible! French Actor Wants To be Buried with Pet Dog

Famed film actor Alain Delon's death triggers uproar over a special request.
It sounds like such a sweet sentiment. And one that I’m sure has played out many times when devoted pet owners have asked that their pet’s ashes be interred with them when they themselves, cross over the rainbow bridge.
Heads up: while this may seem like a no-brainer - akin to adding special keepsakes to a coffin - you’ll find that many states prohibit pets and humans from being buried together. Even if we’re simply talking about his ashes in an urn. So, spell your desire out for your loved ones, and do your homework to find a cemetery that allows this type of togetherness.
So, where are we going with this? It all leads to French movie star Alain Delon who died earlier this year. It seemed only fitting to him, that the ashes of his much-loved Belgian Malinois be buried with him. You see, over the years, the actor enjoyed the company of many dogs. 50, by his count. But his most recent pooch – adopted back in 2014 – had a particularly strong bond with the 70’s heartthrob.
Here’s the rub. At the time of Delon’s death, Loubo was still very much alive.
Now, you may be thinking that given the dog’s advancing age and the fact the interview where he declared this intent was given back in 2018, that Delon was assuming Loubo would be long gone before he himself, passed on. That when the time came, the dog’s ashes could simply be buried with the actor.
But no, the comment was quite specific, “If I die before him, I'll ask the veterinarian for us to leave together. ... I'd prefer that to knowing that he would let himself die on my tomb amid so much suffering.''
Hmmm… well we’ve all read the stories/seen the movies where the devoted dog, now heartbroken, deeply mourns the loss of its companion. Think Hachi, where the dog kept going to the train station to meet his human for nearly 10 years after the owner’s death. I’m not crying, you’re crying! So, maybe Delon has something there.
Yet the issue on the minds of all involved was that Loubo now had a clock ticking over his head as the date for Delon’s funeral and burial in a family plot just south of Paris, loomed large.
Well, just like in the movies, another famous French celebrity stepped in to save the day. The Brigitte Bardot Foundation – renowned for animal rights – reached out to the family, asking for a reprieve. And they weren’t the only ones who were disturbed by what would appear to be an early demise for poor Loubo. Paris residents and several animal rights activists also spoke up, denouncing the plan to “reunite” owner and pooch.
But all those fears were unfounded because the Delon family had already decided to care for the aging dog until his natural death. Given, that the Belgian Malinois breed can live up to 15 years, Loubo will still be able to enjoy a few quality years with plenty of treats, loads of cuddles, and perhaps even the odd walk to his master’s grave. Where I’m sure he won’t linger.

Sharing space with three seriously judgy Schnoodles and a feline who prefers to be left alone. #LivingMyBestLife
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