This Unusual Aussie Love Story Has a Happy Ending

Staffordshire Terrier and Australian Magpie turn fans into fanatics when separation looms.
If you haven’t been following the saga of this much-loved duo, we’re happy to report some hard-earned good news in this update to our article on the drama surrounding Maggie the Magpie and her BFF terrier, Peggy.
You see, the duo met up almost four years ago during the throws of COVID. Staffordshire Terrier Peggy was enjoying an outing with her people at the local dog park when fate intervened. Pet parents Juliette Wells and Reece Mortensen discovered a Magpie chick that appeared abandoned. Fearing for its safety, the couple brought the chick home and nursed it into adulthood. And it was during those formative years Maggie the Magpie developed a crush on terrier Peggy. And vice versa.
This close bond explains why the bird refused to leave her newfound home once it was time to fly the proverbial coop. Now, because the only thing to do during those lockdown days was to hop on social media and share pix, the unusual romance was soon broadcast far and wide, gaining a massive following.
Enter the Australian wildlife officials who jumped all over the liaison, insisting that the couple had unlawfully removed wildlife from its natural habitat without a proper permit, license or authority. Knowing the now-domesticated Magpie could not survive in the wild, authorities swooped in, seized the bird and placed her in a facility where she would live out her remaining years.
A sad ending? Not so fast!
Cue the serious eye-roll as tens of thousands of Maggie and Peggy fans pushed back. Because Magpies have a lifespan of up to 30 years (seriously!), this sentence was deemed cruel and unusual punishment by her legion of followers. And that’s when they did what true fans always do – they fought the decision. Organizer Sarah Rielly says the duo share an unbreakable bond. “This bond is not just emotional but also crucial to their well-being.”
Others agreed and the Instagram petition soon picked up over 155,000 signatures that were sent to the office of the Queensland Premier, Steven Miles. Having previously thrown his support behind the reunion, the overwhelming pushback from across the globe helped solidify the decision to pursue this case.
Having previously shown his support for Molly being returned to the couple, Miles stated, “I think sometimes common sense needs to prevail… and if you look at the story, there is a better outcome possible.”
There was, and pet parents Wells and Mortensen confirmed they were overwhelmed with emotion when they picked their feathered friend up at the Wildlife facility. Apparently, so were Peggy and her new pup Ruby who have quickly brought Maggie back into the family fold.
Power to the people… and to happy endings!

Sharing space with three seriously judgy Schnoodles and a feline who prefers to be left alone. #LivingMyBestLife
More by Mary Simpson