This Farm Offers Cuddle Sessions With A Pack Of Adorable Goldens

For decades, Golden Retrievers have been one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States – heck, in the world. It’s no secret that Goldens are simply everyone’s favorite! Cute, goofy, and cuddly, these dogs are such a wonder and so much fun to be around. And now, thanks to Golden Dog Farm from Jeffersonville, Vermont, the fans of this famed breed can enjoy a very special experience centered around these adorable furballs.
This family-run farm launched a special Golden Retriever Experience – a one-hour session allows guests to enjoy refreshments such as cider and snacks, all in the company of a huge group of cuddly golden retrievers called “happy”. The session is usually called the “happy hour” just because of this, and allows anyone to immerse themselves in the company of “at least '' 10 dogs Umm, sign me up for any activity that includes dogs, especially ten of ‘em!
The Golden Dog Farm is run by Doug and Becca Worple and in an interview with USA TODAY, the couple happily exclaimed that the bookings for the experience sold out incredibly quickly. It was certainly not what they expected earlier this year when they came up with the idea and started it all.
Not at all surprisingly, it was COVID that caused the idea to come to fruition. During the height of the virus rampage, Doug Worple’s job, based at a travel-oriented global digital advertising agency, suddenly experienced a major hiccup. Trying to get a bearing at this trying time, Doug said he “used the moment to take a step back and consider what was next.” And, together with his partner Becca Worple – herself a photographer and a media representative at a radio station – Doug decided it was best to sell their home in Cincinnati, Ohio, in hopes of moving to a family cottage in Ontario. It was a time of big changes.
"Then the border closed," Doug Worple said. "Now we're two weeks out of closing on our house and didn't know where to go, so we decided to buy an RV and traveled to 35 different states, 17,000 miles in the RV with two of the dogs."
And during this incredible and life-changing adventure, the couple decided to start a golden retriever-based business, and to finally settle in beautiful Vermont. "We've just always loved goldens and always wanted to have a lot of goldens," Worple said. "With what I was doing, I saw the power of influencers and social media and all that and I joked we need to have an Instagram farm full of golden retrievers, and soon we started looking at what that might look like."
And once they arrived at Jeffersonville, Vermont, a sign they were looking for appeared – and they were left speechless. While driving through town, they suddenly spotted a truck full of golden retrievers, driven by Dana Menne of Butternut Goldens. It was a match made in heaven.
"(Becca told me), 'If God were to send to me a sign we needed to move someplace, it would be a truckload of goldens,'" Doug Worple said.
In no time, their idea about a golden retriever “happy hour” began to take some serious shape. And especially thanks to the Butternut Goldens. "Collectively both of us wanted to do something like this but they didn't have a place to do it and we didn't have enough goldens," Doug Worple said. "But together we could make it happen."
At the moment, their “happy hours” are sold out until Dec. 17, but the Worples have plans to extend the dates to April, giving everyone a chance to enjoy this experience. The one-hour experience runs on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays and costs $75 for adults and $50 for children.
"People are so happy when they're here, they have this childlike joy on their faces," Worple said. "People cry because they're so happy."What about you? Would you enjoy an hour cuddling with golden retrievers?

A proud mama to seven dogs and ten cats, Angela spends her days writing for her fellow pet parents and pampering her furballs, all of whom are rescues. When she's not gushing over her adorable cats or playing with her dogs, she can be found curled up with a good fantasy book.
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