These Are the States With the Most Spoiled Doggos in 2023

With the holiday season fast approaching, it is the time for presents, cuddling, yummy meals and, to be honest, spoiling the one you love, including your four-legged bestie. But are there some pet parents that take it a bit too far, and if so, do we know in which states they live? If you are one of those owners who like to pamper their furry friend and spoil them to no end, stick around to find out who’s guilty of overindulging their doggo just like you!
An interesting Forbes Advisor survey estimates that around 22.2% of dog owners in the USA, or one in five, admit to having spent more money on Christmas gifts for their dogs, rather than gifts for friends and family. This means that there are certainly some pampered and spoiled doggos to be found across the nation, but what is more interesting is that dog owners in certain states tend to spoil dogs more than in others. Now, after a nationwide survey, the results are in!
With a score of 100 out of 100, Florida definitely wins as the state with the most spoiled dogs! The Sunshine State is reported to have around 66.5% of owners who spend more money on their dog’s health, grooming, and gifts, than on their own. They are also more likely to pamper dogs by perfuming them, pushing them in strollers, buying them clothes and gifts, or taking them to restaurants.
Interestingly, the second place, and right behind Florida, is Alaska, with a score of 98.69 out of 100. Nearly half of all dog owners in this northerly state admit to regularly throwing birthday parties for their pooches, purchasing them special outfits, and even putting cologne on them. They too will spend more money on their pets than on themselves.
Behind Florida and Alaska in places 1 and 2 respectively, are the following states:
3. Washington - 91.82 out of 100
4. Colorado - 82.04 out of 100
5. California - 77.96 out of 100
6. New Jersey - 77.52 out of 100
7. Illinois - 77.23 out of 100
8. Texas - 70.80 out of 100
9. Delaware - 69.93 out of 100
10. Virginia - 69.34 out of 100
The survey also offered some indicators and activities that might suggest that you are spoiling your dog. If you regularly do some of these activities, you might be pampering your pooch as well!
- Taking family photos with the dog
- Ordering the dog a special treat at a restaurant
- Bringing the dog on vacation
- Pushing the dog in a stroller
- Spending more money on the dog’s health and grooming than on their own
- Buying the dog outfits and accessories
So, what’s the result? Are you too on the list of owners who spoil their pets? Let us know!

A proud mama to seven dogs and ten cats, Angela spends her days writing for her fellow pet parents and pampering her furballs, all of whom are rescues. When she's not gushing over her adorable cats or playing with her dogs, she can be found curled up with a good fantasy book.
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