Taco Terrier

The Taco Terrier is a unique combination of the Toy Fox Terrier and a Chihuahua – two lively, fun, and affectionate toy dog breeds.
Taco Terrier Basics
Two tiny, feisty breeds combined into one? The result is more than adorable! The Taco Terrier, also known as Chitoxy, Chisoxy, or Chiwoxy, is a unique combination of the Toy Fox Terrier and a Chihuahua – two lively, fun, and affectionate toy dog breeds. Of course, their crossbred offspring are no less fabulous: these tiny doggos have so many favorable traits and are quickly winning over the hearts of owners across the world. Full of energy, and always ready for antics and some goofing off, the Taco Terrier will display characteristics that are loved by many types of people. They can be a great choice for both families and solo owners – and when socialized on time, they can even get on well with children.
The parent breeds of the Taco Terrier have certainly been around for quite a while. The Toy Fox Terrier is a well-known and recognized breed, that evolved directly from the larger (but still small) Smooth Fox Terrier. These dogs likely appeared around the start of the 1900s, in England. In their original form, these terriers were hard-working dogs, skilled in ratting, baiting, and similar terrier tasks. But in their toy form, they were certainly best suited as intelligent, loyal, fun, and cute house pets.
The Chihuahua has been around for even longer than that! This goofy little breed that we all know and love has some truly far-reaching origins. When first arriving in the New World, the Spanish Conquistadors encountered the proud and ancient Aztecs. And with them were the tiny Chihuahuas! How they were called back then we don’t know for sure, but their modern name comes from the Mexican state of Chihuahua, where they originate.
The offspring of these two breeds is the Taco Terrier. It is just one in the line of many unique designer breeds that have appeared during the 1990s in America. These origins certainly make it a very young breed of dog, but it matters little – this designer dog has already captivated so many hearts!
With new, modern designer dog breeds, there are no official pedigree papers documenting their lineage or a certain set of appearance traits common for purebred dogs. In fact, the breeders themselves are often clueless about the look of a new litter of puppies. That’s simply how things work with crossbreeds, as they are first-generation mixes and unpredictability is part of the package. Still, some features of Taco Terriers can be pinpointed as they commonly appear across litter.
In general appearance, the Taco Terrier takes on the Chihuahua a bit more. Still, they inherit traits proportionally, so you’ll see a bit of both parent in the mix. The height is that of the Toy Fox Terrier, with the face generally that of a Chihuahua. The legs are proportionate and muscular, with the tail being perky and curved upwards. The colors vary, with black and tan being the most common ones. But where the
Taco Terrier takes most of its looks from the Chihuahua, the Toy Fox Terrier side is more seen in their personality traits – more about that a bit below.
Food / Diet
When it comes to diet, Taco Terriers are not demanding, but there are still some things to consider. You will need to provide fuel for their energy levels, but also to avoid overfeeding them. This is best achieved with a high-protein food but beware – these dogs can be voracious eaters, so best start with measured portions. And any extra treat that comes their way will have to be worked off – regular exercise helps burn calories. Fail to do so, and your Taco Terrier might become a Burrito Terrier – a chubby little doggo who may develop obesity. And that’s never good, especially for tiny dog breeds.
Also important is to provide a quality dog food that contains a lot of essential nutrients, vitamins, and is rich in proteins. This will help keep their physique lean and muscular, and that they are getting all the important stuff they need from their diet. An occasional treat for a job well done won’t harm them either but don’t overdo it. In the end, if you have any doubts about your pet’s diet, don’t hesitate to consult your vet: they can give you the best info related to the diet.
The Taco Terrier is a bit of a willful dog and might be slightly challenging to train. Still, there’s nothing that a bit of patience won’t solve. The willful and stubborn nature is certainly drawn from the Chihuahua side. But on the Toy Fox Terrier side, things tend to be more moderate. So expect a mix of things. While certainly a bit hard-headed or even a little aloof, the Taco Terriers can certainly be trained even if you’re not too experienced. Remember to utilize positive reinforcement and to adopt an alpha attitude. You’re the pack leader, after all! With these things set, results will certainly follow.
Another important aspect of the training process is early socialization. It helps wrinkle out some attitude issues that a Taco Terrier might have later on. These include prey drive, nippiness, and a general tendency towards small dog syndrome. Work on that socialization though, and they will be the friendliest, goofiest, and most loyal doggo around.
These dogs come from petite parents, and their weight is equally small! On average, the Taco Terrier won’t exceed 6 pounds or weigh less than 3 pounds. Combined with their average height of 6 to 9 inches, it’s clear that it doesn’t take much for them to become obese. Of course, their optimal weight will have to be maintained with a healthy diet and plenty of exercise to burn off those calories.
Their weight also dictates their general size: these dogs are small, and won’t require a lot of free space. This makes them great for a variety of living accommodations. Tiny homeowners, here’s a pet for you! Of course, moderate-sized apartments and regular homes will do great for these dogs, giving them all the free space they might need. And, as always, a fenced-in yard is a major benefit – no matter the breed. It is a natural environment where your pet can be safe and run all they want – and in the comforts of your home on top of all!
Temperament / Behavior
The Taco Terrier, despite its slightly stubborn streak, is a loveable doggo all-around. They have such a positive attitude and are full of great characteristics that will be loved by any family, and any owner. These dogs are very loyal, and generally “down-to-earth”. But more than that, they have a ton of spirit –- they are often called courageous and confident, and won’t hesitate to come to your aid with a fierce protective bark. In fact, they are great at alerting you of strangers around the house, so they are great as the protectors of the family – the tiny watchdogs.
Of course, they are affectionate above all. A Taco Terrier will develop a strong bond with its owner(s), and stay loyal to a fault. They won’t mind a good snooze and tons of petting, and that makes them great lap dogs – a Taco Terrier totally won’t mind sleeping on your lap for hours on end. But once the snoozing is over, the fun times begin. Be ready to match at least a part of their energy, as these are dogs that love some of that honest, good-natured playtime.
Common Health Problems
In general, the Taco Terriers are healthy dogs that don’t have many issues throughout their life. They inherit that from the Toy Fox Terrier, for sure. Still, there are some inherent issues that might pop up in a Taco Terrier’s lifetime, as is the case with most designer dog breeds. When it comes to some minor issues, there are rashes, dry skin, other skin issues, possible eye infections, cataracts, hypoglycemia, dental issues, and such. However, there are those more serious health conditions that happen rarely – but are still possible. These include patellar luxation, hydrocephalus, heart murmurs, Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease, and Von Willebrand’s disease.
Nonetheless, this is no reason to worry excessively. A healthy lifestyle and plenty of regular veterinary checkups, and you’ll have that needed peace of mind.
Life Expectancy
The Taco Terrier has a life expectancy of up to 16 years, which is great considering that the average maximum lifespan for dogs is 15 years. This is just another testament to their great health. Of course, they’ll need your help to reach their old age – make sure to provide regular vet checkups and a great diet, as both can go a long way where health is concerned. In return for your care and affection, you will get a loving companion dog with whom you can share a big part of your life.
Exercise Requirements
These are quite the energetic doggos when they want to be! If it’s a snooze kind of day, you will know it. But once it is time to have some fun, you better be ready. The Taco Terrier loves to exercise and have fun, so be ready to devote at least 60 minutes a day to help them burn off extra energy. It is best to establish a regular routine on which both you and your pet can depend. That way you can take care of your dog’s exercise needs and do your work as well! Of course, it is important not to neglect your pet’s need to spend their energy. Cooped up all day, dogs can develop a string of behavioral issues that won’t benefit anyone.
Recognized Clubs
Still a relative newcomer in the world of designer dog breeds, the Taco Terrier is still struggling for global recognition. However, small steps are a sure path to success. Clear indications are the several official recognitions, namely from the American Canine Hybrid Club (ACHC), the Designer Dogs Kennel Club (DDKC), the Dog Registry of America (DRA), and the International Designer Canine Registry (IDCR).
The Taco Terrier can have different types of coat, mostly depending on the Chihuahua type in its parentage (as these dogs can be both short-haired and long-haired). The most common coat type you will come across is short to medium in length and is generally smooth. The coat comes in a variety of colors, including black, brown, pied, white, blue, sable, tan, and others. The coat is not dense and it does not shed much at all. The Taco Terrier is luckily hypoallergenic, which makes it an ideal pet for owners suffering from allergies.
Another piece of good news is that the brushing will be minimal with a Taco Terrier. If they have a short, smooth coat – as is the usual case – then you will be fine with light brushing just once or twice per week. If the coat is slightly longer, just up that to a few times per week to keep it free of mats and tangles. You shouldn’t overlook the regular bathing, however. The Taco Terrier needs to be kept clean and their skin hydrated, in order to prevent rashes and dryness!
Don’t underestimate the importance of socialization with Taco Terrier puppies – it can be invaluable! In adulthood, these are feisty dogs, full of character. But fail to socialize them while they are puppies, and you risk them becoming too feisty, overprotective, and even aggressive. So don’t hesitate to introduce your little puppy to new friendly strangers, other dogs, and children too! This lays down a solid (and all too important) foundation of a great and sociable character in dogs. And you’ll be grateful later on, as there won’t be excessive barking, no aggression, and anxiety.
Puppy years are also important for the beginning of proper training. Taking on the Toy Fox Terrier, the Taco Terriers can be avid hole diggers in the yard. If you want to put an end to that, start early, and teach your puppy the do’s and don’t in the household. That’s when they are the quickest to learn, after all.

A proud mama to seven dogs and ten cats, Angela spends her days writing for her fellow pet parents and pampering her furballs, all of whom are rescues. When she's not gushing over her adorable cats or playing with her dogs, she can be found curled up with a good fantasy book.
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