Newfoundland Dogs Deliver Your Tree at This US Christmas Tree Farm

There is something magical about visiting your local Christmas tree farm and selecting that ‘perfect’ Christmas tree as a family. Can the experience be more memorable? If your first thought is no, I ask you this – what if your Christmas tree was brought to your vehicle by a Newfoundland Dog?
It’s a tradition that Plowville, Pennsylvania locals have come to expect.
Each year, the Christmas tree farm brings in several furry farm hands. Newfoundland dogs average 100 to 150 lbs. While this large breed of dog is
generally calm and gentle, they are also bred to be working dogs – an aspect of
the breed that is often overlooked.
In fact, according to the AKC, Newfoundland Dogs long earned their keep working for Canadian fishermen. They are strong enough to haul heavy fishing nets to shore or even save a full-grown man from drowning. The dogs have webbed paws and long toes, making them excellent swimmers. Plus, their thick double coat keeps them warm and protected, even in icy waters. Today, Newfies are working around the world as water rescue dogs, saving the lives of people in need and upholding their ancestors' reputation.
At Plow Farms, local (and not-so-local) Newfoundland Dogs are welcome to come to embrace their working nature and share in the holiday spirit.
If you purchase a Christmas tree on “Newfoundland Day,” you can enjoy the experience of having your tree transported to your vehicle from one of over 80 dogs that join in on the festivities. It’s a sight to see – one that attracts people from across the country.
“It’s a great way to expose people to the joy of Christmas but also teach people about Newfoundland dogs,” explained Lindsay Eshelman when asked about her family farm. “They’re big, and sometimes people are scared of big dogs, and we want to show that they’re gentle giants.”
The Esheman family’s love of the breed is evident, with four Newfoundland dogs currently among their ranks. But they didn’t want to stop there. By inviting Newfies from far and wide to come together, they have rightfully earned the title “The Newfoundland Farm.” The event has become a big part of what they do, a tradition they excitedly look forward to year after year.
“We are a destination for these dogs,” Eshelman said. “We actually have had people drive all the way from Vermont, Maine, Ohio – those are ten-plus hour-long drives.”
Are you interested in joining the festivities next year, but your dog doesn’t quite fit the breed? Don’t worry! Their Facebook states that all dogs are welcome, not just Newfies. If your dog isn’t keen on public spaces, that’s okay too! Dog lovers are welcome to join in with or without a dog. There will be plenty of adorable pups eager to enjoy your attention.
So, start planning your trip to Pennsylvania next year to participate in Newfoundland Day and make some unique holiday memories.
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Britt Kascjak is a proud pet mom, sharing her heart (and her home) with her “pack” which includes her husband John, their 2 dogs – Lucifer and Willow – and their 2 cats – Pippen and Jinx. She has been active in the animal rescue community for over 15 years, volunteering, fostering and advocating for organizations across Canada and the US. In her free time, she enjoys traveling around the country camping, hiking, and canoeing with her pets.
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