Media Maven Martha Stewart Gets Push Back Over Dog Food Recipe

Use of "home-grown" meat draws ire from followers and falls on the heels of last year's negative press.
Everyone’s favorite lifestyle maven has raised the ire of animal lovers… yet again. Yes, fabulous Martha Stewart was openly critiqued by outraged fans when she shared her “recipe” for dog food. It seems an unlucky buck who had ventured around the social media influencer’s estate found himself shot, then sliced, diced, and cooked up into a big batch of dog chow for her four pooches. Readers were shocked and questioned how a deer that lived alongside the celeb for over a year, could have been dispensed with in such a practical manner.
But there’s more. Her two French bulldogs (Crème Brulée and Bete Noire) and her two Chow Chows (Emperor Han and Empress Quin) apparently prefer a meatier variety of din-din, and that spurred the 82-year-old Stewart into also choosing to add a little “chicken” to the mix. Unfortunately, she shared publicly that she had decided to “… harvest the old roosters who have been such good friends and make such tasty poached chicken”.
“Egad”, screamed animal lovers the world over. How do you co-habit with peaceful wildlife and build a friendly rapport in the chicken coop, then choose to serve these same critters up for dinner? For some folk, the decision to cull was a logical option that simply reinforced the circle-of-life philosophy had by hunters and farmers alike. (Cue to a crescendo of Elton John’s blockbuster hit from The Lion King). For others, not so logical a decision.
However, we did say that Stewart was poking the proverbial bear “again” and this most recent culinary scandal comes on the heels of her beloved calico Persian cat, Princess Peony, being attacked and killed by her pooch pack last year. A beloved member of the household for over 12 years, the passive feline was mistakenly targeted and taken out by the four dogs. Stewart comments "The four dogs mistook her for an interloper and killed her defenseless little self. I will miss her very badly."
For those of us with multi-breed households, the need to integrate and protect weaker members is paramount. Whether it’s a dog with high prey instincts or a territorial cat, the need to recognize the potential for serious conflict and injury sits solely with the owner.
Choose new fur kids carefully, integrate slowly, and be prepared to re-home if aggression escalates and injury seems inevitable.
Dog food from “scratch” may be disturbing to many of us, yet in the world of farm-to-table living, understandable. But the loss of a pet at the paws of another? Martha, that is so NOT a “good thing”.

Sharing space with three seriously judgy Schnoodles and a feline who prefers to be left alone. #LivingMyBestLife
More by Mary Simpson