Help PawsLikeMe Find Homes For Rescued Cats

PawsLikeMe, the match-making website that pairs people with adoptable dogs, needs your help to introduce cats into the mix.

How to Transition Your Cat to New Food

Cats are known as being picky eaters. If you want to switch your feline to a new food, we've got some tricks to get picky cats to convert.

Gift Guide: Best Christmas Gifts for Cats

Wish Feliz Navidad to your feline friend with one of these Christmas gifts for cats- any one of them is bound to get them into festive mood.

6 Popular Aquarium Fish You Need To Avoid

Just because a fish is readily available, it doesn't mean you should keep it in your own aquarium. Here are six fish that shouldn't be in your tank.

Best Cat Ball Toys

Cats can go bouncy for balls! If your feline can't get enough of them, here is our list of the best cat ball toys.

Claws Are Coming Out In The Battle Over Cat Declawing

The battle about declawing cats comes to a head where veterinarian groups are fighting against animal rights groups who want to banning the practice.

Here’s What You Should Know About Feline Pica

There's nothing wrong if your cat likes to chew on some grass, but if she's been eating some weird stuff, she may have Feline Pica.

Want to Save Lives of Orphaned Kittens? This Is How You Do It

ASPCA urges animal lovers to volunteer as feline foster parents during kitten season, and help save lives in nationwide #MeowForNow campaign.

Memories Of Pets Who Have Crossed The Rainbow Bridge Live On, Online

In honor of World Pet Memorial Day, gives grieving pet parents an online opportunity to memorialize their beloved pet. Our pets are our friends…

How to Keep Your Cat Safe When Traveling by Car

Have cat, will travel. It’s a lot easier to travel with your cat by car. Make sure the journey is a safe one with these cat-friendly car tips. Are you…

5 Plants Picks for Your Brackish Aquarium

It's not saltwater, it's not freshwater - brackish aquariums offer a bit of both! But finding the right plants for this type of tank can prove to be tricky.

Talking To Pets Makes You Crazy… Crazy Smart, That Is!

Does talking to our pets may make us a little quirky? No - in fact, not only is it a normal behavior, it also marks high intelligence in humans.

Taylor Swift’s Cats Help Her Bide Time as Her New Album Rolls Out

T-Swift's new album Reputation just dropped, but seems like she and her pretty kitties just had to let the cat out of the bag a teensy bit early.

Best Cat Litter Mats

Take a look at our comprehensive list buying guide on best cat litter mats to find one that will eliminate litter tracking- for good.

Do Dogs Like Halloween Costumes?

If you love getting dressed up for the Halloween season, then you may be considering including your dog in the festivities. But do dogs like Halloween costumes?

How to Teach Your Kids to Care for Their Cat

Having a pet offers a multitude of benefits for children. Teach your kids how to care for their cat properly to ensure a loving relationship.

How Much Should I Feed My Cat?

The term "Fat Cat" isn't reserved for shifty politicians. If your cat looks a little too round (or thin), it's time to evaluate how much you're feeding her.

New Louis Vuitton Collection Is the Cat’s Meow

The world-famous luxury retailer launched an exclusive collection of fab accessories- and it was inspired by the designers' own pets.

Why Does My Dog Roll in Grass?

There's something about rolling in the grass that's so irresistible to dogs. But why do dogs roll in the grass and should you do anything about it?

Teen Takes His Cat to the Purrom

No need to buy her a corsage - she'll just eat it. Stuck without a date to the prom, this teen decided to do the logical thing... bring his cat as his +1.

Best Aquarium Hoods

Don't just think about the design of your tank - you also have to remember the practical elements. With that in mind, here are our picks for the best aquarium hoods.

Study Says Watching Cat Videos Boosts Energy, Positive Emotions [Video

I wish I worked at the Indiana University Study, so I could get paid to watch awesome cat videos and be happy all day. Science is pretty cool!

Ready to Foster Cats? Here’s Some Advice From a Pro

If you're ready to take the plunge and become a foster kitty mom, these amazing tips from a seasoned pro will help you out.

Turkish Woman Builds Ladder to Window For Cats To Come In From The Col

A Turkish dentist has opened her home to stray cats during the winter. She's built a ladder that leads to her window so they can come in and warm up.

Dear Virginia: On Losing a Pet, Grieving and Healing

When a beloved pet dies, a little part of your heart leaves with her. And as she explains to her new arrival, Rachel Leavy has much more love to give.

Cat Bag Carrier Doubles as ‘Snuggie’ For Cats

It's been said that letting the cat out of the bag isn't a good thing, but a kitty carrier that's like a Snuggie might have your puss saying otherwise!

Why Researchers Are Studying the Cat’s Meow

What's the meaning behind your cat's meow? Researchers are determined to find out with a new study being conducted at Lund University in Sweden.

The Most Cat-ified Cat Video You’ve EVER Seen [Video]

What happens when you take a cat video, fill it up with cat graphics... and then throw more cats into the mix? You get cattiest cat video we have ever seen!

What’s With Cats and All That Stretching?

Cats are able to contort their bodies into all kinds of positions when they stretch. Here's what experts say about cats and their nimble stretching habits.

Top 5 Live Plants to Use in Brackish Aquariums

A mix of salt and freshwater, brackish aquariums present its own set of challenges. Here are a few plants that hold up in this type of tank.

How Do Dogs Show Affection?

Dogs have no shortage of ways to tell you that they care. So how do dogs show affection? Here are a few of the most common forms of doggy devotion.

Our Picks of the Best Heated Cat Beds

Is your kitty looking for a warm, comfy place to curl up? You're in luck - we've rounded up our picks of the best heated cat beds.�

Product Review: Taco Meoow Cat Bed

Oscar asks his bestest kitty friends, Evey and Toto, to help him try out the Taco Meoow. Spicy and soft, this cat bed is a fiesta of fun!

What to Buy Before Adopting a Cat

You've decided to go to your local shelter and adopt a kitty - congratulations! Before bringing your new addition home, here's what you need to buy.

Tractive Now Offers GPS Tracking Collars For Cats

The 2018 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is showcasing some amazing tech gadgets pets, including Tractive GPS trackers for cats and dogs.

How Strong is a Dog’s Nose?

The nose knows - especially if you're talking about a dog's sniffer. But just how strong is a dog's nose? Let's find out.

Best Cat Backpacks

Are you in search of a cat carrier that you can wear as a backpack to make it easy to transport your pet or head off on a fun adventure in the great outdoors together? Well, there are a lot of these products on the market today, so you can select the one that will fit all your needs while also giving your frisky feline a comfortable place where she will feel safe and secure until you reach your destination.

Best Cat Toys

Cat toys are important for your pet’s overall wellbeing: not only are they fun, but they also promote mental and physical health through much-needed stimulation. Here are some of the most entertaining and durable cat toys on the market.

How to Recognize the 10 Most Common Ailments of Senior Cats

To help in the quest to keep our feline fur-kids happy and healthy in their senior years, here are eight health issues common in older cats.

Best Cat Hammocks

Just lounging around - it's a cat's life! If you're looking for the perfect place for your cat to lounge, we've sourced some of the best cat hammocks.�

Aquarium Spotlight: PPG Aquarium in Pittsburgh, PA

Education can be lots of fun - just don't tell the kids that! If you're looking for a family outing in Pittsburgh, PA, drop by the PPG Aquarium.

Top 10 Fantastic Etsy Finds for Your Feline

Purring in delight isn't just for cats. These feline finds will delight even the pickiest puss and will definitely make it onto your most wanted list.

Conditioning Your Fish Tank With Seachem Prime

To remove chlorine from tap water so that it's safe for your aquarium, you'll need a prime water conditioner. And Seachem Prime is what the pros recommend.

London’s Postal Museum Seeking Picture Perfect Postal Pussy Cats

Used as mice catchers back in the day, England’s Postal Museum is paying homage to that tradition, and is looking for official poster kittehs. Cats as…

Giddy Up! Unlikely Friendship Has Cat at the Reins

It's no secret that horseback riding is a passion for many. But for a cat in Devon, England, it's just another way to hang with his best friend!

6 Easy Ways to Make Your Cat Happy

You want to keep your kitty purring with happiness, right? Trust us - making your cat happy is in the best interest of you and your beloved feline!

Tips on How to Pick Furniture Your Cat Won’t Scratch

Your couch isn't an oversized cat scratcher for your kitty! Here are some tips on picking furniture your cat won't be tempted to scratch.

Get Back to Nature With the Eco Cat Furniture Kickstarter

Who says style, environmental consciousness, and kitty love can't coexist? Fashionable and functional come together in the Eco Cat Furniture line.

Best Cat Treats

Cat treats are an excellent way to reward your four-legged friend for their good behavior- or just pamper them like they surely deserve.

Get to Work on an Office Aquarium

Bring life into your office with a fish tank. A growing trend in the workplace, aquariums add color, energy, and stress release to a busy day.

We’re Onboard With Japan’s First Cat Cafe On a Train!

Cat cafes are incredibly popular in Japan and the trend has spread to the rest of the world. But now they've gone one step further, a cat cafe on a train!

Why Dogs Aren’t Toys for Kids

A dog often tops a child's gift list. But it's important to realize that a dog shouldn't be thought of as a kid's toy, and here's why.

Our Hats Are Off to the New #CatsAsHats Fashion Trend

Baby, it's cold outside! Keep that head cozy -- a new trend pays homage to beloved Dr. Seuss with putting cats on heads as hats!

Growing and Propagating Your Own Coral

Feel like fragging? If you want to propagate your own coral, you sure do! This cost-effective practice lets you grow your own coral.

Study Gives Cat Owners Scientific Proof That Their Pets Are Ignoring T

A new study by Japanese reseasrchers confirms what many other suspected: cats understand us perfectly fine, they just don't care to show it.

5 Tips On Proper Nutrition For Your Pregnant Cat

If you've got a pregnant cat, you need to give her the nutrition she needs to stay strong throughout her pregnancy and give birth to healthy kittens.

Kids Who Have a Ruff Time Reading Find Attentive Listeners in Dogs

Putting the fun in fundamental - programs that pair kids who need help reading with dogs that have an ear to lend are gaining momentum around the country.

What Is Feline Hyperthyroidism?

What is feline hyperthyroidism and how do you treat it? It's the most common glandular disorder in cats, and it can affect all ages, breeds and genders.

5 Colorful Facts About Calico Cats

It's not a type of cat - it's a type of cat coat. Boasting three beautiful colors, calico cats make a bold statement, and here are five of them.

Understanding Asthma In Cats

This human affliction can also leave your cat short of breath - and it's a serious health risk. here's what you need to know about asthma in cats.