Dog Nurturing Cherry Tomato Goes Viral on TikTok

Juicy, ripe treat brings out the maternal side of this little dog.
It’s a bond that can’t be broken. But it’s quite possible it could be sliced, diced and tossed into a salad if a wee poodle happens to look the other way. You see the bond we’re talking about is between a dog and her tomato. Yes, a bright ripe tomato - as in spaghetti sauce worthy.
The back story is that the pint-sized pooch’s mama decided to give her a little snack. You got it - a cherry tomato. But rather than noshing down on the soft fruity flesh, the dog felt it needed a little nurturing. Actually, a lot of nurturing and for two days she carefully toted the heavily ripe tomato around with her. Protecting it under her chin whenever she sensed mom might be hankering for a nice tossed salad.
Of course, the pooch’s instinctively maternal action was captured and shared on TikTok. And that brief, 16-second video generated a whopping 1.1 million views along with a number of surprising comments from pet owners who had been through similar experiences.
One offered that her dog had protected a potato that, after having been abandoned in a closet, soon sprouted roots that peeked out from under the door. Another offered that her dog goes into maternal mode when presented with a blueberry. I know a dog that reacted the very same way with a dim sum dumpling.
Synched to an emotive soundtrack, many viewers responded to the tenderness the little dog was showing toward something that clearly did not feel the same way toward it.
Unlike food guarding, where a dog is highly protective of the chow it’s about to consume, it’s clear to all that this tomato is in no danger of becoming a snack. And that its final demise will come as mom notices juices from an over-ripe tomato oozing out from under this little dog’s chin.
Notable from the hundreds of comments were the ones that expressed concern that dogs really shouldn’t eat tomatoes. Rest assured, that a small tomato or two is perfectly fine as a treat or snack for your dog. As with anything, moderation is always key and over-indulging can result in tummy troubles.
It’s not cool however, if your dog helps himself to a tomato from the vine and happens to ingest the actual plant. You see, it’s part of the nightshade family of plants and is considered toxic.
So, the bottom line is that whole or sliced tomatoes are fine to share. Due to preservatives, sun-dried tomatoes, not so much. But if your dog starts treating his juicy ripe tomato like a pup, it may be time to invest in a plush toy that is less likely to burst its skin and stain your favorite carpets.

Sharing space with three seriously judgy Schnoodles and a feline who prefers to be left alone. #LivingMyBestLife
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