Dave Bautista Teams Up With the ASPCA for Giving Tuesday

With an estimated 3.1 million dogs entering U.S. animal shelters every year, the need for funding and support is evident. For many, this is a call to action to find ways to make a difference – including for Guardians of the Galaxy actor Dave Bautista.
Starting today, November 28th, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) is launching a new fundraising and awareness campaign with 54 Bautista and his four rescue pit bulls in the spotlight.
The campaign was created as part of Giving Tuesday, a global response to the corporate focus of Black Friday (as well as Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday). Rather than highlighting sales and taking advantage of deals through your favorite stores and brands, Giving Tuesday encourages Americans to take a moment and consider how they can make a difference in the lives of others – including, of course, animals in shelters and rescue organizations.
Bautista’s involvement in the campaign is motivated by his experiences with animal rescue and its impact on his life. “My home is where my dogs are because there is just such a sense of love,” Bautista stated. “I feel like wherever they are, there’s this sense of normalcy, which is hard for me to attain these days.”
He went on to explain, “My first rescue dogs were Ollie and Maggie, and I’ve had them for about five years. I adopted them, and after becoming so connected with them, I started to be more aware of how many dogs are just waiting for someone to give them good, loving homes. You get so much in return when you adopt a pet, and I’m going to preach adoption for the rest of my life.”
The actor and former wrestler is well-known for his love and dedication to the four dogs, even having it written into his contract while filming that his dogs have to come with him to the filming location. He also discusses how others can give back and make a difference for dogs in shelters nationwide.
The ASPCA has been working hard to protect and advocate for animals in need for over 150 years. In addition to rescue and adoption, this includes educating the community about animal welfare, running low-cost spay/neuter clinics and vaccination clinics, operating or supporting pet food banks in high-need areas, operating the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center Helpline (1-888-426-4435), and even providing temporary housing when needed for pet parents during times of crisis, including cases of domestic violence and homelessness. But maintaining all these services and resources doesn’t come without a cost.
Are you interested in making a difference? Bautista summarized it best in the video when he stated, “There is no amount that is too small. Even if you can go and be a volunteer and just give your time. It doesn’t have to be a monetary thing. Your time is appreciated and welcomed.”
Visit the ASPCA website today to learn how you can make a difference for the many animals in their care.

Britt Kascjak is a proud pet mom, sharing her heart (and her home) with her “pack” which includes her husband John, their 2 dogs – Lucifer and Willow – and their 2 cats – Pippen and Jinx. She has been active in the animal rescue community for over 15 years, volunteering, fostering and advocating for organizations across Canada and the US. In her free time, she enjoys traveling around the country camping, hiking, and canoeing with her pets.
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