
Full of fun traits and a good-natured, energetic character, the Chihuahua and Miniature Schnauzer mix is a whirlwind of joy.
Chizer Basics
The Chizer is a unique designer breed that is steadily captivating the hearts of owners around the world. Full of fun traits and a good-natured, energetic character, these tiny dogs are a whirlwind of joy. With the affectionate and loyal traits of the Miniature Schnauzer, and the goofy, temperamental aspects of the Chihuahua, a truly unique cross-breed emerged. The Chizer can be a handful, however, so if you want a calm and snoozy pupper – this might not work out! But if you want a fun and spirited companion, on the other hand, the Chizer will fit right in with your needs.
But don’t rush in just yet! Owning a Chizer can be a challenge for first-timers. Read on as we cover all the essentials surrounding this breed and give you the most important insights. This way, you’ll be able to see if a Chihuahua and Miniature Schnauzer mix would be too much of a handful or if they seem like the perfect dog for your lifestyle before you take on the responsibility.
Chizer is a name that stuck from the get-go, but this unique designer breed is also known as the Schnauchi – so don’t be confused. Either way, the origins are clear to deduce: this is the offspring of two small and energetic breeds: the Chihuahua and the Miniature Schnauzer.
One of the tiniest dog breeds, the Chihuahuas have very far-reaching origins. They are commonly associated with Mexico, and the eponymous state from which they originate – Chihuahua. But experts agree that these tiny puppers were bred by the ancient Aztecs! Talk about a long lineage! The Miniature Schnauzer, on the other hand, is a relatively “modern” breed, having originated in the mid 19th century. It was bred in Germany by farmers, mostly for use as herding and ratting dogs. Since then, they have been recognized as fantastic family pets with many great traits.
The Chizer was, as we can see, pretty much a match made in heaven. But it is a much younger breed than its parents are. It is believed that the Chizer mix originated in the United States in the late 1990s, during the period when unique designer breeds were all the craze.
As for official papers documenting the Chizer’s lineage, you won’t be able to get them, as these dogs are not recognized as a breed – although you can ask to see the pedigree papers of the purebred parents. One of the reasons for this is that there is no set standard for designer dog breeds in terms of uniform looks – it takes time and several generations to get a uniform set of traits, and all Chizers are first-generation mixes, aka mixed breed dogs. Plenty depends on their parents and the Chizer can take up after either one of the two original breeds. Still, some general appearance traits are a must!
For example, the snout of the Chizer can either be short or elongated, with both versions accepted. The height is generally the same always, averaging between 6 and 14 inches, with short stubby legs. The coat is generally thick and flowing, after the Schnauzer, while their ears can either be floppy or pointed. Nevertheless, you can quickly recognize them as the charming Chizers! The details are only drawn from the dominating parent breed.
Food / Diet
Diet plays an important role in your pet’s overall health and wellbeing. The Chizer is a generally small and stubby dog, and as such, it cannot be overfed or have an unhealthy diet. If you neglect their diet they can become obese and unhealthy. Still, they have tons of energy to spend, so all the calories and fat will be easily burned and maintained. You should adapt their diet to their appropriate level of energy and their size. It is also recommended to split their meals into two halves, or even better, feeding smaller portions several times per day.
The Chizer can suffer from some mild indigestion in certain cases, so try switching up their foods if you notice this. Of course, your vet will always give you the best advice, recommending the perfect diet suited for your dog. A lot depends on their size, age, and character.
Interestingly enough, the Chizers might be a bit of a challenge to train. Firstly, it’s the parent breeds! Chihuahuas are known as spunky, temperamental, grumpy, and stubborn doggos. The Miniature Schnauzer on the other hand can be a bit aloof, but generally obedient and quick to learn. The offspring of the two are somewhere in the middle. There is definitely some stubbornness present, as well as all that excess energy. But even so, these dogs are very smart and can pick up commands very quickly. All that you need is consistency, routine, and patience. And treats too! Positive reinforcement works wonders for Chizer training.
Of course, you should start training as early as possible. It’s all about setting down the rules and showing who’s the boss. Once your Chizer gets the idea, the training process should be fairly smooth. Simple commands and tricks can also help speed up the process. Behavioral training is equally important since Chizers can be a bit temperamental and snappy, being prone to “small dog syndrome”. Early socialization will help with this, giving your pup a chance to understand the doggo social relations and what’s proper and what’s not. Do this right, and your Chizer won’t have any unwanted behavioral issues.
Chizers are rather small dogs – depending on their overall looks, they can weigh from 4 to 15 lbs on average. Add to that their relatively short height, and you get a stumpy little doggo. Of course, this weight will have to be maintained in order to avoid health issues. Plenty of exercise daily, a balanced diet with measured portions, and obesity will not be a threat.
Of course, their weight and size make them great pets in a variety of environments. They tend to do great in average-sized homes and can benefit immensely from a fenced-in yard. But they can also thrive in apartments in big cities. As long as they are not confined and have a chance to spend their energy both inside and outside - all should be well.
Temperament / Behavior
In many ways, the Chizer has a great balance of character traits and temperament. Thanks to the Chihuahua parent, these dogs can have quite a bold and confident attitude, with a bit of stubbornness added in as well. But in general, they are loving, loyal, fun, and gentle dogs that will be great fun to be around. Chizers can be ideal as pets for both families with or without kids and solo owners when trained and socialized on time. The Chizer loves being in the center of attention and will be surprisingly loyal and affectionate once that pet-owner bond is created.
However, everything depends on proper training and your relationship with your pet. You will need to socialize this unique breed, in order to avoid them developing a “short fuse” – i.e to avoid them being snappy and grumpy. Start in their puppy years and introduce them to plenty of new dogs and strangers. This will lay down great foundations for their future years.
Common Health Problems
A stocky and generally hardy breed, the Chizer won’t have many serious ailments throughout their life. However, this will happen only with proper care throughout their life. Of course, as with most designer breeds, the Chizer is bound to inherit some of the health issues that are present in the parent breeds. So, for example, a common issue can be ear infections, but luckily, when the signs are spotted on time, these are easy to treat. Other, more serious health issues can include rheumatism, kidney stones, respiratory problems, allergies, or diabetes.
Also possible are issues with wheezing and snorting, since Chizers can have short and stubby snouts. Either way, you should rely on regular visits to the vet. This will keep you on your toes and give you insight into your pet’s overall health. After all, your vet knows best and can help keep your Chizer in prime condition in all of their life’s stages.
Life Expectancy
The life expectancy of the Chizer can reach anywhere from 10 to 15 years on average. That’s quite a great lifespan for such a new and small crossbreed. With 15 being on the higher end of the high-range spectrum for life expectancy amongst dogs, you can expect your pet to be by your side for quite a great number of years.
Exercise Requirements
As most tiny breeds, the Chizes are also full of energy and spunk. The true lovers of playing and the zoomies, these dogs will need plenty of space to exercise. If you don’t have a fenced-in yard, you will have to practice daily walks and plays in the park. Also, make sure that there is ample free space in your home for the Chizer to stretch and play.
Vivacious and goofy, Chizers will always be on the move and ready for a new adventure.
They are very curious, and will often run after and bark at vacuum cleaners, brooms, lawnmowers, and other mowing things. Running about is just in their nature. Still, they always find time to rest and snooze! On average, these dogs need 60 to 90 minutes of exercise each day. If that fits into your lifestyle and daily routine, the Chizer will be just the right companion.
Recognized Clubs
The Chizer – although a relatively new crossbreed – is accepted in some of the leading registries and recognized clubs. For example, they are a recognized designer breed with the American Canine Hybrid Club (ACHC), the International Designer Canine Registry (IDCR), the Designer Breed Registry (DBR), and the Dog Registry of America (DRA). Just keep in mind that the clubs such as American Canine Hybrid Club and the International Designer Canine Registry recognize the breed as named “Chizer”, while the Designer Breed Registry accepts the name “Schnauchi”.
Just like its parent breeds, the Chizer is considered a moderate to low shedder. They have coats of medium length and require brushing 2 to 3 times a week at best. A light brushing routine will help keep everything tidy and avoid excess hair in your home. An occasional visit to the grooming salon can also benefit your pet, as a tidy and trimmed coat will prevent rashes, fleas, and skin issues. Some Chizers can have the iconic Schnauzer “mustaches” and “eyebrows”, as well as excess hair in the ears and over the head. Make sure that these are regularly trimmed in order to prevent ear infections and such. Bathing should be done “as needed”, but don’t overlook it!
Chizer puppies are amongst the cutest in the dog world - no doubt about that! The litter size is usually about 3 to 5 puppies, more often than not each of them with unique looks. Tiny, gentle, and totally goofy, they will be a joy to care for. Avoid bringing these puppies into large crowds in those very early days, as they are quite delicate, but as soon as they are out of that fragile stage, you should start on their socialization. Meeting new friendly dogs, strangers, and dog-savvy kids will be essential for the formation of a well-socialized Chizer. Fail to do this, and they may develop some odd behavioral issues, such as excess barking and aggression towards strangers, over-protectiveness, and nippiness with kids.
Still, with plenty of care and attention, you shouldn't have a lot of trouble raising your Chizer. Remember that you will need plenty of patience and constant work in those early puppy days, in order to wrinkle out some of their less-attractive traits, such as stubbornness and snappy attitude.

A proud mama to seven dogs and ten cats, Angela spends her days writing for her fellow pet parents and pampering her furballs, all of whom are rescues. When she's not gushing over her adorable cats or playing with her dogs, she can be found curled up with a good fantasy book.
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