Canadian Dog Dacquri Claims New World Record

Do you have a dog that loves to play with socks? Does your dog steal your socks from the laundry basket or even right off your feet? While many dog parents will view that as troublesome behavior, one family recognized that a dog’s love for removing socks might be a golden ticket to something more.
Daiquiri, an Australian Shepherd from Canada, recently claimed a new world record after successfully removing the most socks from people’s feet in a minute.
The adorable record attempt was held on the set of the TV series Lo Show Dei Record in Italy. Here, Daiquiri went person to person, removing 21 socks from the feet of 11 women as they sat in a row in front of him. He was given three attempts at beating the record previously held by Lilu and Briana from California (20 socks). His owner, Jennifer Fraser, wasn’t allowed to touch the pup at any point during the attempts, but she could guide and encourage him through the process.
On his first try, Daiquiri tied the existing record. On his second try, he beat it by a single sock!
This wasn’t the first time Daiquiri and Jennifer tried to land their names in the Guinness Book of World Records. In fact, the talented dog currently holds 12 world record titles, including:
- Most tricks performed by a dog in one minute (60)
- Most toys retrieved by a dog in one minute (15)
- Fastest 30-meter dog recall (17.54 seconds)
- Fastest time to walk 30 meters with a dog weaving through the legs (13.55 seconds)
- Most weaves through a person’s legs by a dog in 30 seconds (37)
- Fastest time to complete five wall runs by a dog (9.240 seconds)
- Fastest time to walk 30 meters with a dog’s paws on the feet (42.03 seconds)
- Most clothes retrieved from a washing line by a dog in one minute (18)
“I have one world record, and after I got that world record, I thought, okay, let’s see if there is any more out there that Daiquiri can do because he is so diverse. He knows about 200 tricks. I found a bunch of world records that he can accomplish, so we are training hard. Now, we are trying to do as many as we can,” Fraser explained.
The seven-year-old pup certainly isn’t showing any sign of slowing down. He performs on stage with Fraser, exhibiting what can only be described as the joy and enthusiasm of a young puppy. This has brought the pair to many stages worldwide, and they are showing no sign of slowing down!
“I just appeared on America’s Got Talent. That was a little crazy, a little stressful, but a lot of fun, a good experience,” said Fraser. “We were supposed to go down to live shows, but unfortunately, COVID kind of ruined that chance.” But when asked whether she would accept the chance to do a live show again, she didn’t deny that it would be a possibility.
Are you interested in following Fraser and Daiquiri on their quest to achieve as many world records as possible? Check out their website,, for the latest news and updates!

Britt Kascjak is a proud pet mom, sharing her heart (and her home) with her “pack” which includes her husband John, their 2 dogs – Lucifer and Willow – and their 2 cats – Pippen and Jinx. She has been active in the animal rescue community for over 15 years, volunteering, fostering and advocating for organizations across Canada and the US. In her free time, she enjoys traveling around the country camping, hiking, and canoeing with her pets.
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