A Small Cat Family Was Found Living in the Ceiling of a Restaurant

Cats choose their homes in the unlikeliest of places! And a recent event from Massachusetts, when a momma cat and her four newborn kittens were discovered living in the ceiling of a New Bedford restaurant, definitely confirms this.
The Animal Rescue League of Boston said that they received a call from the employees of a local New Bedford restaurant. It was no ordinary call, however, as the employees said that they were “hearing kittens meowing from the ceiling”. The momma cat, however, was no stranger at the premises. The staff noticed her around the place before but did not suspect that she was pregnant – or that she was living in the ceiling. But hearing the distinct sound of kittens meowing, the employees were quick to understand what happened.
The animal rescue team quickly responded to the call, and their field service agents soon spotted the tiny kittens through a small slit between the restaurant wall and a hole in the ceiling. With a little bit of patience and work, the rescue team managed to retrieve all four kittens from the ceiling space, and safely transport them to the rescue shelter. Rescuing the momma cat, however, was not as easy. Cunning and careful, the cat evaded all the efforts of the team, including artificial kitten sounds, and tasty cat food. Ultimately, the team employed a humane cat trap that they placed within the ceiling. The next day, they reported that the momma cat entered the trap at around 11 p.m. at night, which allowed them to reunite her with her children at the Animal Rescue League's Boston Animal Care and Adoption Center. There, they were all treated and given veterinary care.
"Community cats are incredibly resilient, and have a knack to find shelter for themselves and their offspring," the animal rescue league said in a subsequent statement for NBC Boston. "However, kittens born this time of year are incredibly vulnerable to the elements and other potential dangers and ARL urges the public that if a cat with offspring are discovered, to contact ARL Field Services for assistance."
In the meantime, the happy momma cat and her babies are resting and growing, until the time comes when they can be put up for adoption and find forever homes and each their own happy ending to this unusual story.

A proud mama to seven dogs and ten cats, Angela spends her days writing for her fellow pet parents and pampering her furballs, all of whom are rescues. When she's not gushing over her adorable cats or playing with her dogs, she can be found curled up with a good fantasy book.
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